MONSTRA, the Lisbon Animation Festival, stands as a vibrant celebration of artistic convergence, fostering interactions across diverse art forms and unveiling new visions through the universal language of Animation Cinema. Renowned for its influence in shaping the cultural landscape of Lisbon and making its mark worldwide, MONSTRA is an incubator for creativity and innovation.
In 2024, celebrating its 23rd edition, the festival enthusiastically adopted the 'Monstra is Irish' theme, featuring Ireland as the guest country.
This year, the festival unveiled an impressive lineup featuring approximately 400 films from 44 countries, presenting a kaleidoscope of cinematic treasures. It also offered exhibitions, workshops, masterclasses, and the ArchAnim section, all complemented by a special celebration of Abstraction Day.
Highlighting this edition was the premiere of our first VR short film, "The Girl Who Speaks with the Wild-ish Horses," directed by Helder Rocha. This groundbreaking animated film brought to life through immersive virtual reality and the enchanting music of Noiserv, weaves a mesmerizing tale of heritage peppered with unforeseen surprises. As the protagonist anticipates the awakening of her mysterious gift, a revelation transforms her family's understanding of their tradition and the legacy bestowed upon them.