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Promoting the Space science field through edutainment experiences

Riyadh Space Fair: Interactive Solutions

Nowaar Entertainment - Saudi Arabia - 2023
Explore the Universe with immersive experiences and interactive solutions at the Riyadh Space Fair!

In 2023, Unloop developed a project with Nowaar Entertainment, an investment and entertainment management company located in Saudi Arabia.
Nowaar was one of the government agencies that the Royal Commission for Riyadh City partnered with to organize the Riyadh Space Fair and it was in this exciting project that Unloop participated with its interactive solutions.

Riyadh Space Fair
The Riyadh Space Fair was a one-month exhibition that celebrated the relationship between mankind and space and introduced the Space science field to young generations.
It provided the visitors with a variety of immersive edutainment experiences, the opportunity to learn from astronauts and space scientists and to interact with the creators of futuristic projects.

"I had the pleasure of collaborating with Unloop on several projects focused on interactive experiences.
Their team's ability to adapt quickly and work efficiently was impressive, ensuring all milestones were met with high quality. Communication was clear and proactive, greatly smoothing the workflow.
Even when faced with a sudden deadline change, Unloop's resilience and flexibility were key in navigating this challenge successfully. I highly recommend Unloop to anyone seeking a reliable partner for innovative interactive projects."
Khalid Sonbul
Our Solutions

Riyadh Space Fair Mascot

The fair needed to extend an invitation to its visitors, so we developed a mascot that spread the word that news from another planet was coming. Our team was responsible for the whole process - from concept to modelling and animation.

With several visual explorations and brainstorming sessions, Unloop and the client decided on the mascot.

With the selected mascot, we conducted 3D modelling, texturing, rigging, and audio work.

This is how Nailam came to life, representing the Riyadh Space Fair and inviting people to visit. He spoke English and Arabic, exuding peculiarity and friendliness, with his antenna synchronized with the high notes of his voice.

Space Jump

We have developed an exciting interactive solution called Space Jump. In this experience, when the visitor’s body was detected, it would appear in the form of an astronaut. Then the visitor had to jump as high as possible.
This is where the experience got even better: the player received scientific data about gravity on different planets based on their score. Eventually, the astronaut landed slowly as if in zero gravity, leaving visitors with the feeling of truly exploring the cosmos. After completing the jump, the visitor could see the result of their jump, and by reading a QR code could save or share his result via social media.
Our calculations considered the different gravitational forces on each planet and provided the player with an entertaining and educational experience.
Space Jump is just one of the many ways we use technology to create unique and engaging experiences.

1. Face the screen to start.
2. Align yourself with the silhouette.
3. Jump as high as you can!
4. Check your score and scan a QR code to save or share your results via social media!

Every detail, from the assets to the 3D environment, was meticulously designed to transport visitors into outer space. As the astronaut takes the leap, our animation mirrors the precise gravity laws found on distant planets, adding a touch of authenticity to the adventure. But it's not just visuals that captivate; our soundscape envelops participants, plunging them into the depths of space with every jump.
As the player jumps, the UI presents data on how high they have jumped in meters or kilometers, simulating the experience as if the visitor were jumping on three different planets or satellites of our solar system.
With every bound, participants are not just jumping; they're exploring the very essence of space itself. As they land, they're greeted with scientific insights, making each jump not just exhilarating but educational too. It's an experience that transcends mere entertainment, offering a glimpse into the mysteries of the universe.
In total, during the public opening of the fair, 9500 jumps were made using the Space Jump solution.

Space Invaders

Do you remember playing Space Invaders - the classic multiplayer game that took the world by storm?
At the Riyadh Science Fair Space, we presented a new version!
In the multiplayer game we developed, the player controlled the spaceship by moving the body left or right in front of the screen. The goal was to destroy the enemies that came their way.

1. Face the screen to start.
2. Use your body to control the ship; move your hands up and down to shoot and destroy all the enemies to win the game!

Initially, we envisioned Space Invaders for the Riyadh Science Fair Space as a 2D experience in order to recreate the original game. Yet, as we delved deeper into development, a revelation struck – the true essence of the game demanded a leap into the immersive realm of 3D. This shift in perspective birthed a new dimension of excitement, manifesting in intricately crafted 3D assets like futuristic ships and menacing aliens.


As the gates of the fair swung open to the eager crowds, Space Invaders stood as a beacon of nostalgia and innovation. A total of 6478 adventurers stepped up to the challenge, immersing themselves in the thrilling cosmos of our reimagined classic.

My Robot

My Robot is an app we have created in order to unleash creativity of the users and enable them build a unique creature of their choice, be it a robot, an alien, or whatever their imagination conjured, by putting together the different parts of a 3D avatar. They chose the body, the head, the legs, the arms, and other parts. Then the creature came to life. And the best part? You could share your masterpiece on social media for everyone to see!
The robots are created within a capsule. Once completed, they are transported to the lower level by elevator and placed on the conveyor belt to be displayed on the video wall.

1. Scan the QR code.
2. Create your character.
3. Customize the character's parts - head, torso, arms, and legs.
4. Easily modify any part by clicking on it.
5. Choose the perfect pose for your character.
6. Give your creation a unique name.
7. Send it to the video wall.
8. Witness your creation proudly displayed on the conveyor belt among other masterpieces!

The 3D scenarios created for this solution drew inspiration from futuristic movies depicting life in space, with robots as the protagonists of the story. The mobile UI was primarily based on the elevator scenario, serving as the capsule where the robots were born before being delivered to the conveyor belt and displayed on the video wall at the fair.
This process involved a comprehensive journey, from initial brainstorming and moodboarding to detailed storyboarding. We meticulously crafted each scene through modelling, texturing, and rigging. Later, we breathed life into the scenarios and character poses through animation. Attention to detail extended to the audio, creating a sci-fi atmosphere that resonated with the fair's theme.
In total, during the public opening of the fair, 3474 robots were brought to life by the creative minds of our visitors, each one a testament to the limitless imagination of humanity.

Rocket Launch

Have you always dreamed of commanding the launching of a rocket? In this interactive experience you could do it with the movement of your own body! How? After the person was detected, indications appeared as to what the person had to do to control the ship (lean to the sides so that the rocket didn’t fall or crash into another player, if there was more than one player).

1. Scan the QR code.
2. Align yourself with the silhouette.
3. Tilt your body sideways to prevent the rocket from falling or colliding with another player.
4. Congratulations, you have reached space! Safe travels on your cosmic journey!

To ensure an authentic experience, we began by creating mood boards, and storyboards, and conducting in-depth research to understand the technical nuances of rockets and the environments they face on their journey to space.
Our team crafted every element to provide a realistic depiction of a rocket launch, from the base and atmospheric phases to the details of the rocket's flight dynamics.
But we didn't stop there. We programmed the atmosphere to evolve based on the distance travelled by the player. With each kilometer conquered, a new scenario unfolded, creating an ever-changing landscape. The same dynamic applied to the rockets themselves, with triggers influenced by the phase of the atmosphere that the player was in.

In Rocket Launch, variety was key. With four types of rockets, each game offered a fresh and unpredictable experience. To fully immerse players in the excitement of space exploration, we carefully designed the audio and soundscape, ensuring every interaction felt authentic and captivating.
Throughout the fair, a total of 5820 rockets were launched, sparking the imaginations of all who dared to embark on this cosmic adventure.

AR Space Wildlife

Our "AR Space Wildlife" solution was a hit at the fair, with visitors being able to see new elements in their midst through the magic of augmented reality. It was a truly immersive experience, allowing people to coexist with astronauts, robots, aliens, and even extraterrestrial plants and plasma organisms. And let's not forget about the ability to terraform the environment.
This solution features a video wall that showcases the fair environment and enables visitors to see new elements in their surroundings through augmented reality. It's been an absolute blast! Visitors could take selfies with astronauts, explore the wonders of a terraformed environment, and so much more!


The Unloop team developed various 3D elements, including robots, and plants, among others. Not only were they meticulously modelled, but they were also textured, rigged, and animated. The design of the robot draws inspiration from Moebius' futuristic illustrations and the mechanical robots from Atlantis: The Lost Empire, a cartoon that holds a special place in childhood memories of our team. We aimed for a simple and cartoonish visual language, avoiding excessive detail.
The animation we created for the robot features a playful dance that invites viewers to mimic its movements and join in the augmented reality world.

For the creatures, we drew inspiration from microorganisms visible only through a microscope, symbolizing alien life - something beyond our naked eye's perception. These creatures were modelled and animated to appear simple and ethereal, as if lacking a solid form but with a sci-fi twist.

The more realistic plants were influenced by the distinctive vegetation in James Cameron's film Avatar. We began with a blend of existing plant models, enhancing them with shaders with light effects.

These solutions were crafted specifically for the Riyadh Space Fair. At Unloop, we always prioritize customization and personalization in our solutions, focusing on interactivity, immersion, and storytelling.

Developed by

CONCEPT & DIRECTION – Helder da Rocha Pereira
3D DIRECTION – Nazariy Voloshchuk
DESIGN – Arina Zhumasheva, Telma Santana, Adrian Soto
3D PRODUCTION – Nazariy Voloshchuk, Aleksei Kurilov, Joana Vieira, Beatriz Sales, Duarte Carvalho
DEVELOPMENT – Maurício Ferreira, Juliana Quintas, Felipe Gomes
SOUND DESIGN – Juliana Quintas
INSTALLATION & SUPPORT – Fernando Madaleno